DIY Plum Flower
- Set of 40's
- Saiz : (W)30cm x (H)84cm
- Vase not included
- 3 Easy Steps/ 3 Langkah Mudah
- 1. Combine A with B, and then AB with C until it become a flower/ Pasangkan A ke B, kemudian AB ke C sehingga menjadi sekuntum bunga plum.
- 2. Then, fit in the flower to D (branches/tree) included/ Seterusnya pasang kuntum bunga tersebut ke D (ranting/ pokok) yang telah disediakan.
- 3. Find a vase and make it interesting, it's done!/ Masukkan ke dalam pasu dan hiaskan. Siap!
- Options/ Pilihan/ Put some glue together with the flower to make it stronger and last longer. The branches can be flexibly adjusted to make it wider, according to avaibility of space/ Letakkan sedikit gam pada setiap kuntum bunga supaya ia lebih kuat & tahan lama. Dahan boleh diselaraskan mengikut keluasan ruang.
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